Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Coasters - The Shadow Knows

Friday, January 24, 2020

on a brighter note...

interesting year for media...

so says the caption on the op ed page of the Dompost this am.
Martin van Beynen goes to great length  attempting  to analyse the woes of free to air tv in NZ and the governments role in all this.
he completely misses the point that most of the programming is infantile tawdry garbage and that talking heads like simon dallow are long past their use by date and they have become more and more partisan and hysterical.
TVNZ has become tired and feeble.
tv in nz is slowly being run into the ground by vacuous noo noo heads with nice hair and teeth but no brains!
there you have it in a nutshell.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

buddy can you spare a dime...

The latest nationals party trope is focus on employment and not benefits.
Radio New Zealand is complicit in parroting these nonsenses.
where are these jobs?
why doesn't RNZ get their reporters onto  the job and find out where the jobs are if they really exist at all.

Louis Upston obviously cannot remember when the nationals seperated the the labour department from the social welfare department and cast all unemployed adrift to look after themselves under the rubric of freedom and choice.
yeah right.
they also introduced parallel importing so all the clothing and cobbling went offshore! 
everyone is free to sleep under a bridge.
nationals are supposed to be the party of business so where are the jobs then?
bugger your code for going round cap in hand begging for a job and being willing to undercut wages and conditions for everyone else.