Wednesday, May 31, 2017

arbor day june 5

thats all folks...

Monday, May 29, 2017

chisellers and cheapskates revisited...

Monday, May 29, 2017

my horse my horse my kingdon for a HORSE...

one decent nail would have done it.
its the small things that count.
Yesterday I was chiselled out of 10 cents at the Carterton Public Library.
I object to paying 10 cents for  the other side of a printout that contains material not visible on the page that is being downloaded and then charged for it. As in 5 lines of text not relevant.
It is bad enough being charged fifty cents for one side of a printout but 10 cents for something that is adventitious and has been added on by stealth is just too much.
In the Masterton Library you  get a two sided sheet of photocopying for just 10 cents.
Why the Carterton Library is being so greedy is almost beyond comprehension.

dear sir or madam would you read my book...

it took me years to write would you take a look?

Saturday, May 27, 2017

grow up...

Bright new face charlotte ryan lets it all hang out in trailer for Willis Chipmunks tv show backbenchers.
What about the national anthem.
this is just piffle.
try looking at stuff that really matters and stop trying to change the past so that you can say "I DUN IT" and aren't I marvellous?

Friday, May 26, 2017

national gubmint are cheapskates...

This national gubmint is cheap when it comes to RadioNewZealand.
The Staff need more money and a decent raise.
It is the kiwi way when you get ah umm err semi-famous  to  be offered commercials and speaking tours etc for extra dough but that is not the ethos of RNZ
Their staff deserve emoluments commensurate to the contribution RNZ makes to our whole society.
fuck the tory nimnuls and ther crummy ideology.

going down slow...

more heavy metal...

Thursday, May 25, 2017

americas cup....

team new zealand will take it out!
go the Cavs.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

the state of the whirled...

whcihever way you look at it the world is in a parlous state.
8 billion and rising.
all unique individuals and all requiring to be given the full amount of toys gimcracks, gewgaws and other meaningless fripperies that are sucked out of the earth and refined using the most wasteful and poisonous processes  so that we can adorn and bedeck ourselves while we coompare our aspect to the other and make value judgements on how much everything cost.we call this civilisation.
and dont question it because it is immoral to question progress.

good little piece in the Dompost this am about Kapiti coast councillor David Scott who has been got.
oh yeah.
thats the way it is done here.

T for Texas. T for Tennessee. T for Thelma who made a mess out of me.
great to see the RNZAF using Hood aerodrome as a satellite field.
Makes kiwis feel as if they are part of it even if they aint.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

they found him in the wreck with his hands on the throttle...

scolded to death by the steam.
he lost his brakes on white oak mountain
old ninety-seven ain't gonna roll no more
ya get that.
now I have unlimited stuff.
what am I going to talk about.
how wail boil is a piece of shit or how you name it ___________ is too.
the world is full of them.
grasping and grabbing at anything and everything for what is in the final analysis personal aggrandisement.
what is history.
my anthropology reader belatedly recognised that the obscurantist bullshit needed some very quick revision or the subject would become meaningless.
he reccomended e.h. carr who wrote a short intense monograph on the subject.
reduced to the basics history is the actions of usually foolish rich people wh beleive that they have been personally selected by god (daddy) to work their will on as many others as possible.
The big man theory but the meta theory is an analysis of the forces acting on the environment in every aspect.
Back to the fools.
If their ego is sufficient they will seek revenge on those who dent their egos and pride and and their underlying psychological dynamic is always resentment which is enough to justify anything.
soour own particular political caste is determined to try and the run the place at full throttle at every opportunity and bugger the rest of us and the outcome.
and the best news is coming from al jazeera. they get a bit boring but they did a nice piece in the weekend on the China conference on the new Silk Road. Vlad  was there but he took a back to Xi who was in the drivers seat all the way.
nice piccies of the railroad in Mongolia. Big Stuff.