Friday, December 18, 2015

merkins and dickheads..

poor old merky mark.
he thinks he is really something.
he aint a sportsman.
just some guy that used to play a sport.
his ego is so big that he still does not realiise that nobody on his TEAM actually liked him and believe it or not they still dont.
dont worry about the smokinghot wifey merk.
when she finally realises what a nothing type of person you are then she will split too.
and btw the authorities dont like people using their position to threaten plebs.
you can take the piss but you cant do that.
got it?
final communication to the squeaker merk.
merry christmas

Thursday, December 17, 2015

no talents, liteweights and flakes...

musta hit a nerve yesterday.
I dont care how many wickets mark richardson took or how often he got stumped, how big his ballbag is or how smokin" hot his wife is!
he will always be a tight underpants type liteweight.
Guys that marry smokin' hot babes are generally using them for bait if ya know what I mean but I digress.
New Zealand is the home of the above.
all leaf blowers, angle grinders, outboard motors and and overweening belief in their own opinions.
especially about their capacity to do anything anybody else must be trained for.
you know.
as for snoopys christmas it was a horrible song used to whip the kiwi masses into a froth and get them buying stuff.
you know.
the spirit of christmas.
yeah right.
for his punishment he is going to be locked into a dark room, force fed basin reserve hotdogs and warm cocoa cola and have snoppys xmas piped in till he returns to sanity it that is at all possible.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

the reel deel?

The Green Party going on this morning in the rag about what the movie industry can do about global warming.
the movie industry is a bit like the paper industry that cuts down trees to print stuff telling  us to save paper.
How much of the paper collected at the kerb actually makes to the recycler is anybodys guess.
Ask Kathrun Ryun.
she guesses about everything doesn't she.
The movie industry is heavy metal intensive and not about to give up any privileges whatsoever.
Too much money and free women.
Apart from the fact that New Zealand suffers from a lack of imagination and what it does have is always stifled by the fogeys the New Zealand film industry is going to do nothing.
None of them would know a good story if it bit them on the bum.
They are fundamentally incapable of analysing anything unless it is relevant to themselves.
In other words most new zealanders are self centred and infantilised.
Their horizons are limited to cars, trips abroad to laugh at natives and anything with a two stroke motor.
Thats it.
New Zealand needs a cultural revolution but nobody knows how to go about it and if there is one how to stop it being hi-jacked by the snoopys christmas mob.
rah rah rah.
Just reading the latest MOJO magazine and the re-issue of the Chills only gets three stars and heaven knows how many stars they dish out to other no talents.
Must be something in the water.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

give peace a chance...

and the greasy shits left over from the criminal regime could not hack it so they blew him away like resentful little snotty brats with big boys toys.
they could not get better so the only thing they could do was get even by their terms and thereby showed the world just what sort of people they really were.

break on through to the other side...